Association Board

kharitonovaPRESIDENT of the Association of Medical Anthropology –
KHARITONOVA Valentina Ivanovna

Doctor of Historical Sciences (07.00.07 – ethnography, ethnology, anthropology);

Candidate of Philological Sciences (10.01.09 – folklore studies);

Head of the Center of Medical Anthropology of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy od Science (IEA RAS) (;

Chief Editor of the scientific e-journal “Medical anthropology and bio-ethics”;

Chief Editor of the international series of scientific works “Ethnological research of shamanism and other traditional beliefs ad practices” (published on the basis of the IEA RAS);

Guest-editor of a number of special themes in the scientific journal “Ethnographical Review”, including ‘Medical anthropology: history, theory, practice” // 2011, № 3;

Member of the scientific board of the journal «Znaczenia» (Poland, Vrotslav University);

Member of the Advisory Committeeиздания Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia ISSN 1061-1959 (Print), 1558-092X (Online);

Member of the Scientific-Consultancy Board of the Austrian Association of Medical Anthropology (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Medical Anthropology);

Author of more than 300 scientific and scientific-popular publications (since 1977, scientific papers are available in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, English, German, Dutch, Estonian languages);

The sphere of scientific interests:

Medical anthropology, anthropology of conscience, ethno-medicine, psychological anthropology, anthropology of religion, social (cultural) anthropology, ethnology, ethnography, folklore studies.

For more info:


VICE-PRESIDENT of the Association of Medical Anthropology –
Dmitry V. MIKHEL

Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (2000), professor (2001), vice-president of Russian Association of medical anthropologists (2013), member of the editorial council of the journal “Medical Anthropology and Bioethics”.

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. Head of department of sport, tourism and youth policy (2016).

Education: Faculty of History in Saratov State University, historian (1991); Graduate school in the philosophy in Saratov State University (1992-1994); doctorate in the philosophy in Saratov State University (1997-2000).

Research interests: medical anthropology, medical humanities, social history of medicine.

Honors: Medal and prize of Presidium RAS, for book “Body in the Western Culture” (2002).

Grants: Program of Interregional Researches for Social Sciences, Ford Foundation, Russian Found of Humanities, American Council of Learned Societies.


BULDAKOVA Yulia Rafaelievna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Internal Diseases Department of the Stomatology Faculty of the Moscow State Medical Stomatology University named after Evdokimov A.I.

Education: Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.

Sphere of scientific interests: immunology, inter-disciplinary research, medical anthropology.


GOLOVIZNIN Mark Vasilievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Internal Diseases Department of the Stomatology Faculty of the Moscow State Medical Stomatology University named after Evdokimov A.I.

Education: Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.

Sphere of scientific interests: immunology, inter-disciplinary research, medical anthropology.


ISAEVA Yulia Anatolievna

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences (2006);

Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical Academy;

Head of Courses “Cultural Science”, “Social science”;

Author of 30 scientific works, 6 educational and methodological tutorials;

The sphere of scientific interests – philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, medical anthropology.

For more details:


KIRILENKO Elena Ivanovna

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences;

Associate Professor;

Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Siberia State Medical University (Tomsk);

Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific e-journal “Medical Anthropology and Bio-ethics”;

Sphere of scientific interests: methodology of inter-disciplinary approach, humanitarian aspects of medical discourse, comparative analysis of national medical images.

Scientific editing and Russian publication initiative for the book Lynn Payer. Medicine and Culture: Varieties of Treatment in the United States, England, West Germany, and France. New York: An Owl Book Henry Holt and Company. 1996. 


KOPELIOVICH Galina Borisovna

Applicant-postgraduate of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Science, Center of Medical Anthropology;

Research officer of the Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals Preclinical Research of the Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacy and Translational Medicine of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University;

Sphere of scientific interests – ethno-pharmacology, ethno-medicine, medical anthropology.


KURLENKOVA Alexandra Sergeevna

Candidate of Historical Sciences (07.00.07 – ethnography, ethnology and anthropology, 2013);

Senior Research Officer, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Science (IEA RAS), Center of Medical Anthropology;

Head of the Editorial Board of the scientific e-journal “Medical Anthropology and Bio-ethics”;

Sphere of scientific interests: alternative medicine, use of hallucinogens in traditional and modern cultures, medical anthropology and social science, bio-ethics, studies of science and technologies, ethical aspects of reproductive technologies, art-therapy.

For more detail go to:


LEKHTSIER Vitaly Leonodovich

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences , Professor of Samara National Research University, named after S. Korolev

author of 130 scientific publications, including three philosophical monographs;
Guest-Editor of the Issue «International Journal of Culture Research» V. 1 (10), 2013 – «Narrative Turn» (;
Editor and compiler of the collection of articles: «Remission Society: on the way to narrative medicine», – Samara: Samara University, 2012. – 296 p.;

Head of grant studies of the RFBR (currently), the Presidential Grant (2009-2010), RHSF (2003-2004), ANO INO-Centre (2003), etc.

Co-editor of the electronic literary and analytical portal «Circus Olympus + TV»;
Scientific interests: medical anthropology, sociology of medicine, narrative medicine, phenomenology of experience, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of literature and art.

For more detail go to:


MOISEEV Vyacheslav Ivanovich

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences;

Head of the Department of Philosophy, Moscow State Medical Stomatology University named after Evdokimov A.I.


PAVLOVA Ludmila Anatolievna

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences (15.00.01);

Associate Professor;

Head of the Laboratory of Pharmaceuticals Preclinical Research of the Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacy and Translational Medicine of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University;

Director for Development, the Science and Practical Center of Traditional Medical Systems;

Sphere of scientific interests: ethno-pharmacology, ethno-medicine, folk medicine as a source for pharmaceuticals and biologically active food supplements development;

Venue of the field work – the Republic of Tuva.

Executive director of the Association of Medical Anthropology


Ия Меккюсярова

Ия Меккюсярова

Ия Меккюсярова

Ия Меккюсярова