(Русский) Программа VI международного интердисциплинарного научно-практического симпозиума «МЕДИЦИНА И (СО)ОБЩЕСТВА: ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ МЕДИЦИНСКИХ СИСТЕМ, ПРАКТИК, МЕТОДОВ В ПРОФИЛАКТИКЕ И ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИИ»

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4th Biannual Conference Social Sciences & Health Innovations: Multiplicities

4th Biannual Conference
Social Sciences & Health Innovations:
May 23-25, 2019, Tomsk, Russia
Search for an adequate response to contemporary health problems continues to be high on the agenda. But how can these solutions be made to work and why is it that many do not? One inspiring way of approaching these questions starts from acknowledging the need to engage with multiplicities. While species, bodies, diseases, and knowledges are multiple, the notion of multiplicity is mostly avoided in health care, governance, and sciences, where the strive for uniformity and best practices sometimes comes at the expense of applicability in specific local settings, and of sensitivity to the uncertain consequences of decisions and interventions. This conference invites participants to discuss the notion of multiplicity and to engage with a diverse range of multiplicities that are too often bracketed in attempts to understand and address health problems. How can multiplicity be conceptualized? How can concepts of multiplicity inspire productive ways of dealing with health problems? How can we account for and engage with the complexes of many species living together? How can novel health technologies relate to the multiple realities where diseases are practiced differently?
Conference speakers:
Vololona Rabeharisoa, Professor of Sociology, Center for the Sociology of Innovation, Mines-ParisTech, Paris, France; author of many contributions on the increasing involvement of civil society organizations in scientific and technical activities
Maurizio Meloni, Associate Professor of Sociology, Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Australia; co-editor of the recent Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society and Biosocial Matters: Rethinking Biology-Sociology Relationships
Yan Vlasov, Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Samara State Medical University, Russia; Chair of the Patient Protection Council and Co-chair of the Russian Patients Union, Russia
Special online contribution by Annemarie Mol, Professor of Anthropology of the Body, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; author of books The Logic of Care and The Body Multiple.
Submit your paper or panel abstract:
We welcome both individual paper proposals and proposals for closed thematic panels. Please submit your proposals via the electronic form by 15 December 2018: http://en.past-centre.ru/…/submit-your-paper-or-panel-abst…/
or more information please see the conference webpage: http://en.past-centre.ru/…/social-sciences-health-innovati…/
If you have any questions contact the conference organizers: healthinnovations2017@gmail.com
Language of the Conference: English
On behalf of the conference committee,
With best wishes,
Olga Zvonareva

(Русский) Приглашаем принять участие в VI международном интердисциплинарном научно-практическим симпозиуме «МЕДИЦИНА И (СО)ОБЩЕСТВА: ИНТЕГРАЦИЯ МЕДИЦИНСКИХ СИСТЕМ, ПРАКТИК, МЕТОДОВ В ПРОФИЛАКТИКЕ И ОЗДОРОВЛЕНИИ»

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The 3rd Conference of the Society for Medical Anthropology

The Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA, www.medanthro.net) of the American Anthropological Association plans to hold its third conference in 2020 in a country in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective is to create a space for intellectual exchange in which the anthropological work of the region, which is rarely discussed in anglophone spaces, is recognized and shared with professionals and students from any part of the world. To this end, we have selected a cross-cutting theme, Shared histories? Relocation and decentralization of medical anthropology in a global world, and three central themes:
a. Critical epidemiology, social medicine, and critical medical anthropology.
b. Indigenous movements and intercultural health care.
c. Sexual and reproductive health and rights.

We are inviting organizations and institutions from Latin America and the Caribbean to send proposals to sponsor the congress. Please complete the form (https://goo.gl/forms/oSrpjoZOrEOU36Yr2) and send me the official letter of support before October 15th. The SMA board will consider all the proposals during its annual meeting in November and will contact everyone who has sent a proposal immediately after.

The conference will be held in Spanish and English and will include translation services.

Thank you.

Dr. Arachu Castro,
President of the Society for Medical Anthropology

Arachu Castro, PhD, MPH
Samuel Z. Stone Chair of Public Health in Latin America
Director, Collaborative Group for Health Equity in Latin America (CHELA)
President, Society for Medical Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association
Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences – International Health and Development Section
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
1440 Canal Street, Suite 2220, Mail Code #8319 | New Orleans, LA 70112 USA | Tel. +1-504-988-7177 | acastro1@tulane.edu<mailto:acastro1@tulane.edu>

(Русский) Семинар “НАРРАТИВНАЯ МЕДИЦИНА” 22 февраля в 16.30 в Малом зале ИЭА РАН (18 этаж)

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(Русский) Семинар “ТРАДИЦИОННАЯ ТИБЕТСКАЯ МЕДИЦИНА КАК ДРЕВНЕЙШИЙ ВАРИАНТ ПЕРСОНАЛИЗИРОВАННОЙ МЕДИЦИНЫ” 8 февраля в четверг в 16.00 в кабинете-музее этноархеологии им. С.П. Толстова (19 этаж ИЭА РАН)

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(Русский) Семинар “ОЗДОРОВИТЕЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ ПРАКТИК МЕДИТАЦИИ” 25 января в четверг в 16.30 в кабинете-музее этноархеологии им. С.П. Толстова (19 этаж ИЭА РАН)

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(Русский) Семинар “АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНОЕ И ОФИЦИАЛЬНОЕ АКУШЕРСТВО: ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ И АНТАГОНИЗМ” 21 декабря 2017 г. в 16.30 в Малом зале ИЭА РАН (18 этаж)

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(Русский) Семинар “ЛЕКАРСКИЕ ЗНАНИЯ И ПРАКТИКИ НАРОДА САХА: ТРАДИЦИИ И ИННОВАЦИИ” 19 декабря в 16.30 Малый зал ИЭА РАН (18 этаж)

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